Leicester has over 7,500 off-street and 1300 on-street car parking spaces for public use. Car parks are within easy walking distance of the city centre, with its shopping and recreational facilities and on-street parking is conveniently located on many city centre streets.
A digital parking guidance and information system directs motorists to the nearest multi-storey car park where parking is available. The nine multi-storey car parks are located in one of four city centre zones: North, South, East or West.
There is no charge for parking in Pay & Display bays on street between 6pm and 07:30am.
Charges for street parking in central Leicester (Zone A) are
£1.00 - 0.5 hours
£1.60 - 1 hour
£2.30 - 1.5 hours
£2.90 - 2 hours (max stay)
Motorcyclists can park free, or for a small charge, in most of the car parks and pedal-cycle parking areas that are provided throughout Leicester.
Parking for Disabled Badge Holders is free in car parks run by the City Council as well as within the on-street pay & display bays.
Sources: www.leicester.gov.uk