18 Stanier Street
Now2 hours

18 Stanier Street

Street parking - 2 spaces

The times you have selected exceed the maximum stay allowed for this parking space
Swindon Borough Council
18 Stanier Street


Mon-Sat 08:00 - 22:00
Maximum stay1 hour
Free outside these hours
No restrictions outside these hours

Opening Times

Mon-SunAll day


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Parking In Swindon

Parking for People with Disabilities

Parking for people with disabilities is free in Swindon except in the Brunel North, Brunel West and Fleming Way car parks (where the tariff is the same as for other customers) and most car parks have designated spaces for this group of people.

When parked, valid disabled badges must be on display at all times and there is no limit on the length of stay.

Swindon also has its own Shopmobility car park, on the ground floor of the Wyvern Car Park. This has up to 26 dedicated bays for Shopmobility users (during open hours only) and eight dedicated Blue Badge Bays available.

Source: http://www.swindon.gov.uk/ts/ts-parking/Pages/ts-parking-peoplewithdisabilities.aspx