2 Shakespeare Street
Now2 hours

2 Shakespeare Street

Street parking - 7 spaces

The times you have selected exceed the maximum stay allowed for this parking space
Newcastle City Council
2 Shakespeare Street
Newcastle upon Tyne


Mon-Sun 08:00 - 19:00
Maximum stay2 hours
1 Hour£3.10

Opening Times

Mon-Sun08:00 - 19:00
No Parking
18:30 - 08:00


Spaces may be taken up by street dining.


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Parking In Freeman Hospital

Car parks - pay and display parking

Motorbike parking:

There are three free motorcycle parking areas at the Freeman Hospital,  the first is located via the main entrance to the Hospital keep on that road which bears left (Main Out-patients is to the right) car park on the left, the second is further down the same road again car park on the left and there are bays in  the multi storey car park.